Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Journey To Success.....

Once you understand rejection is a learning tool and use it to further your success,you will be ready when it comes and you 'll use it to grow.SUCCESS is a journey, not a destination!!!! Along the way we enjoy continuous triumphs,like helping a friend do something.We put in a day's work and forget about the effort and fatigue.We're thinking about what we have accomplished and what we're going to do next.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Masa Asyik Tak cukup...

Aku rasa macam nak cempak aja semua nie dalam longkang,buat penat dan sakitkan badan aje.Tapi bila di fikir-fikirkan rugi pula dah kita bersusah payah memulakannya,dah sampi pu separuh jalan jadi lebih baik teruskan saje.Demikianlah perasaan ku bila semacam suka dalam paksa membuat kerja-kerja mengemaskan laman rumah aku.Entah sampai bila aku larat nak motong rumput rampai nie,susun pasu-pasu bunga dan siram setiap hari.Jadual kerja aku terlalu padat keluar pagi balik malam.Keja isnin sampai hari ahad tak henti-henti.....
Masa untuk anak-anak dan untuk diri ku pun selalu tak penah cukup....siannya meka dan diri ku.Hasilnya sekadar dapat ujung bulan pas itu esok lusa dah habis........

Thursday, April 14, 2011

geli gelaman

Lama juga aku tak mennuliskan sesuatu dalam blog aku nie,sejak akhir2 nie mood aku tergenggu dan kepenatan kerana tugasan pula saling menghimpit.kadang-kadang idea itu ada tetapi bila mula menghadap depan laptop mata pula memainkan peranan dan di selingkuhi pula oleh rasa letih yang amat sangat maka idea pun menjadi kakun tiba-tiba.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Reject me i love it !!!!!

Do something with care,and the finished product will always reflect it.the quality become evident and people are likely to admit it.Strive for your dreams with that same kind of care,and those who associate with you are likely to become more successful as well.Lead by example.Show them how to care and be passionate about their dreams and goals, too.You success is only by helping others, not by winning at any cost.Caring successfully often means others will enjoy being around you.Encourage them to become successful with you,rather than trying to prove to the world why it might be lonely at the top.For those who do find it lonely up there (because of how they arrived) tell them not to worry.They're not likely to be there very long.